Ephesians 6:12 NKJV - For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places
Corinthians 10:5 NKJV - Casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts
itself against the knowledge of God, bringing into captivity to the obedience
of Christ.
8:44 NIV …the devil...He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to
the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language,
for he is a liar and the father of lies.
women are known for being the more sensitive & emotional gender. I also
know that some of us tend to get a bit more riled up than others (I might be
referring to myself here). We were created this way for a purpose.
all goes back to the story of Eve in the garden. Why did the serpent (the
devil) decide to pick on her instead of Adam? Women were created to be life
givers & nurturers. The devil knew God's plan for women, so he decided to
strike where it all starts. Life represents creation, creation is from the
Creator. The devil has been trying to destroy that from day one.
instead of a talking snake, today we get mental, physical, emotional &
spiritual attacks. Whether it is anxiety attacks, financial stress, marital
issues, sickness or feeling distanced from God, we struggle on a daily basis.
Sometimes we go through seasons that are a bit easier than others, but don't
worry a new one will roll around eventually. It is just a part of being human.
the devil wants more than anything is for you to be distracted & not
realize where the battle is really located. It is in your mind & he is the
reason. The nights that you lie awake wondering why this or why that, or with
thoughts of guilt or disgust at yourself for one reason or the other. Those are
all lies of the enemy, the devil.
even though sister so and so upset you by what she said, the real culprit here
is the devil. He wishes nothing but to take your joy in life, so you are
depressed & oppressed.
must realize that our enemy is not flesh & blood, not sister so and so at
church, not your neighbor with the perfect life & kids, not your boss at
work or the coworker that you struggle with every day.
these attacks come at us, we must recognize them for what they are & pray
for God's strength & cast down those thoughts. We must not become a victim
to the devil's lies.
called us for a higher purpose, whether you have kids or not, you are a life
giver & a nurturer. Whether it is your own kids or just a friend, you can
speak life into someone today. We can help encourage that sister in God that
just had her world come crashing down. We can speak life to our husband as he
is on his way out the door to work.
to accept the lies of the enemy & decide to give life instead.
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