Saturday, May 18, 2024


 If you have read my blogs before then you know that I have shared a few pieces of poetry in the past. 

I have decided to start writing again. I thought I would share my first one with you today.

Hope it touches your heart.

I remember you

That feeling

That cold chill

That tension


Last time, a nightmare

You came in like a flood

Not welcomed

Not wanted


This time, not the same

You crept in

You stalked me

Waiting for another moment

Another opportunity


I will never forget

The pain

The anxiety

The fear

The sorrow

The tears

Man, all those tears

I was a newby last time

Uncharted territory for me

You knew that

You were counting on that

But in the end…


So, you think this time

Will it go your way?

Will I be a notch on your belt?


You knew that I heard you

I felt you coming

I felt you creaping

But here you are still


I see you’re still the same

Total darkness





Nothing has changed about you


Did you notice?

I am NOT the same!

This time, I am wiser

I am stronger


This time, I know WHO I am

I know WHOSE I am

I recognize your lies

But, I have truth behind me


This time, I will not open that door

I will not allow you in


I know, you won’t leave

I know, you will still keep trying

I know, you won’t give up

Trying to bring me down


That’s fine

You can keep on

But this time

You only serve as a memory

As a reminder to me

Of where I have been

And where I am now

Reminding me of the one who kept me

The one who did not fail me

The one who never left me



Yeah, HE is the only one welcome here

Not you depression, NOT YOU!

Saturday, April 27, 2024


 All to often, unpleasant circumstances come our way & we just accept it & call it a test or trial. In all honesty, it could be a couple of different things. 

It could be the result of bad decisions that we have made. It is a part of life, there are always consequences for mistakes. 

GALATIANS 6:7 ESV -  Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows that will he also reap.

Other times, it could be the enemy, Satan, attacking us. His tactics are not new, they are the same since the beginning of time. 

Regardless of the reason, we must get into the habit of seeking God in every single circumstance, good bad or ugly.  Sometimes, we just have no idea why something is happening to us. That requires God's wisdom, we are just not spiritually discerning enough to figure these things out. During a season of difficulty in your life, seek God with humility. Ask for forgiveness of anything you may have done. Ask for wisdom & discernment. This is not something that comes instantly, it only comes if we continue to seek God.

Discernment - the quality of being able to grasp and comprehend what is obscure

Philippians 1:9 ESV - And it is my prayer that your love may abound more and more with knowledge and all discernment. 

Sometimes we will go through situations & never know the real reason why. This does not need to discourage us or cause us to be mad at God for "allowing this to happen". 

Matthew 5:45 ESV - so that you may be son of your Father who is in heaven. For he makes his sun to rise on the evil and on the good and sends rain on the just and the unjust. 

We do not need to blame God for every bad thing that comes down the pipe. 

One thing, I have learned, especially over the last two very difficult years, is that regardless of how bad it may be, I refuse to accept that this extremely difficult season is just a part of life, just another day, oh well. 

Jermiah 29:11 AMP - For I know the plans and thoughts that I have for you, says the Lord, plans for peace and well-being and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. 

God's desire is for us to be at peace. He does NOT desire disaster for us. My father's love for me is unfathomable, more than I can even imagine. This love & the knowledge of Jeremiah 29:11 increases my faith & gives me the strength that I need to keep praying, keep moving, keep reading his word, regardless of how bad it may get. I refuse to sit & wallow is self-pity & wonder "HOW AM I GOING TO GET OUT OF THIS." It is not up to me to figure this out. I will pray & keep on praying with earnestness & humility & standing on his word, knowing that it is true, and let My God, in his infinite wisdom figure this situation out for me.  

Psalm 34:15 ESV - the eyes of the Lord is toward the righteous and his ears toward their cry.

Yes, He hears every single prayer & sees every single tear & hears every time we cry out to Him for help. 

Isaiah 55:11 AMP - So will My word be which goes out of My mouth; It will not return to be void (useless, without result), without accomplishing what I desire, and without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it. 

When we pray & read his word, we must stand on his promises & speak his word out loud. That is where faith is built up & the enemy is defeated. But if we choose to speak in a defeated and negative manner our faith is defeated & the enemy is built up. 

Proverbs 18:21 AMP - Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it and indulge it will eat its fruit and bear the consequences of their words. 

So my sister, make a choice today to no longer allow the enemy to win.  Whether you are in good times or bad, pray and speak God's word out loud, & let the enemy know his place, UNDER YOUR FEET!!

Luke 10:19 ESV - Behold, I have given you authority to tread upon serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall hurt you

Saturday, March 16, 2024


 Hello again my friends!!

This past year has been an absolute crazy mess. Some of you may have noticed that I have not posted here in a long while. The enemy came in like a flood this past year, to keep us down & prevent us from doing the things that God has called us to do.


God has delivered us from a multitude of things & only HE is to be given the glory. He has made us stronger & wiser. 

It just goes to show you that you are never too old to learn. Even at my young age of 50, God is still teaching me so much. I have learned intimacy with Him on an entire new level. He is a jealous God and wants to be first above ALL else. 

Deuteronomy 4:24 AMP - For the Lord your God is a consumer fire; He is a jealous (impassioned) God {demanding what is rightfully and uniquely His}.

I also experienced darkness like never before. I went through a period of depression & anxiety like I have never known before. Out of the midst of that darkness, God gave me so much revelation about myself, my past & some of my future. The enemy's intention was my destruction, but God turned it all around.

Genesis 50:20 NIV - you intended to harm me, but GOD intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.

In the process of all of this He gave me instructions on writing a book about my life. It is in a different format than what you may be used to seeing & God has not given me the go ahead to get it published. I do know this, He imparted great wisdom to me during those dark & lonely days. He also caused me to write down all of the "issues" that I still retained from my past. Some things I literally had no idea were even issues. Let me tell you right now, that was the best therapy around. 

God is doing some major things in our lives right now. Our only desire is to be HIS and to be used by Him however He sees fit. 

So, I ask of you to keep my husband & myself in your prayers as we move forward on the path God has laid out for us.

I will go back to posting here on a regular basis. As I have mentioned before, if you have any comments, questions or prayer requests please reach out & let me know.

Love you all!

Sunday, August 6, 2023


Another story from my past

This one was during a seriously questionable time in my life. Due to the series of events up until this point, I was literally clinging to whatever attention I could get, up to a certain point. 

Some of you know this more than others, but abuse comes in several forms. 

Regardless of which direction it comes, the bottom line is the same, you do not have to stay & put up with it.  That is definitely NOT part of God's plan for you. 

What they meant for evil, God intended for my good... Genesis 50:20

Met him through a friend

He seemed so nice

He seemed so polite

A gentleman even

Had no idea what was to come


Only lasted 5 months

5 months of hell

I tried so hard to please

To be what he wanted

Had no idea how much he wanted


Thought he owned me

I was a piece of property

His for the taking

His for the abusing

Whichever he decided at the moment


So lonely as a teenager

Just wanted love

But at what price?


Abuse was known to me already

A couple times before this

But why?

What was so wrong with me?


Mama’s words came back to me

Reminding me to not settle

Teaching me to stand

Not be a doormat

But also, to BE CAREFUL!


He chose verbal abuse instead

My words were judged

My looks were judged

My actions were judged

I was stalked

He had “people” watching me


His ultimate goal

To land me

To add me as a knotch

A trophy to parade around


I was different though

Craved attention?


Was willing to do anything?



Self respect, mama taught me that

Sassiness & Stubbornness, got that from Dad

For his abuse, I gave him a bit of my Dad

Just enough to piss him off

Especially when he was not allowed to “take” from me

That part I refused


Time went on, hopelessness increased

So overwhelming, I couldn’t get out


Huge fight one night

Down to the spill way we went

To calm down I guess

No words were spoken


I walked alone, over to the railing

Look down thinking…

It would be so easy now

so easy to end all of this

I put one foot over

About to put another

Then I heard it

A voice scream NO!!!

I looked around

I realized it was not him

There was NO ONE around

Then for some reason I looked up

I immediately knew

I knew where it came from

My creator, my savior

He loved me enough

He stopped me in my tracks


We broke up after that



Did I stay that way?



He tried to steal more than just physical from me

He tried to steal my self worth

My self respect

My individuality

My Independence






HE created me this way

HE knew that I would need it

Need it to not give in

Need it to not give up

Need it to come to a realization

I was worth more,  A LOT MORE

Wednesday, July 12, 2023


As I mentioned in my last post, through quite a bit of harship over the last year, I started writing. These poems are based on real life experiences all throughout my life

This one in particular is a bit heavy. This was during a very trying time in my life.

These are not meant to be a debbie downer but an encouragement instead. Basically, regardless of how difficult life may be, there is only ONE that will never leave you. Only one you can depend on.

Too young and naive at 13

Sheltered home life

No idea this could happen to me

Innocent or did I cause this?


Church was my life

Only child, very few friends

Wanted to be liked & loved

Wanted to be included


He was the leader

He was a nice man

Or so I thought

No idea what was underneath


Youth outing, fun day

I was safe, right?

I am at church after all

End of the day, need a ride


Everyone is gone but him

He offers, She agrees it’s ok

Still safe, right?


On the ride home things change

He’s talking, conversation, distraction

Then his hand goes there

It stays there back and forth


I am confused, no idea what is going on

I know this is wrong, I try to stop him

Why me?  Why him?

Can’t understand

Did I do something wrong?


I tell her what happened

She is upset, but tells no one

He acts like nothing happened

I withdraw deep within


Time goes by, news about other girls

He is gone now

Everyone now knows I was one of them

Embarrassed, still confused


At prayer group one night

She makes a prayer request

For me, because of him

Now more embarrassment & more confusion


I’m grown now and You helped me

Helped me to forgive

Forgive him, her and myself

Helped me to let go of the anger & darkness

Healing starts




From time to time, I remember

Still remember the hurt he caused

The hole in my heart

Even remembering is painful


I was innocent

But he took that away

He stole that from me

I will never get that part of me back


That little girl is gone

But because of you, I am made new

You understood

You did not shame me, like others did

You did not pity me

You just loved me

Helped me to love myself again


Your love

No more confusion

No more embarrassment

No more anger

No more darkness

No more questions

Just my story

Tuesday, June 27, 2023


Unwanted guest stops by today

Out of the blue

I should be used to this by now

Each time, the hurt just amazes me

Each tear hurts more than the last

You heard my cries


Unwanted guest stops by today

This one took my breath away

Can’t talk, even hurts to think

Questions, don’t understand

You felt my pain


Unwanted guest stops by today

Anger this time!

Only one word, WHY?

Hurt & pain are my new friends

You understand my questions


Unwanted guest stops by today

It’s been a while but can’t forget

Wounds turn to scars

Still hurts like it was brand new

You see me


Once again the tears come

I sit in silence

Hearing only my long deep sighs

I know it will return again

Cannot be avoided

Each time ends the same way

Tears dry as I feel your presence

Surrounding me with your love

No words needed here

You know my heart

I have felt yours

Because of this, I can stand


One day, someday soon

The hurt will be replaced with joy

The tears will be happy tears

Our prayer will be answered


Until then, I learn to let you hold me


Thursday, December 15, 2022



PSALM 22:3 AMPC – But You are holy, O You who dwell in [the holy place where] the praises of Israel [are offered].

PSALM 22:3 KJV – but thou are holy, O thou that inhabitest the praises of Israel.

I have heard this verse all of my life, God inhabits the praises of His people. Just recently this verse came to my mind & the word “inhabit” stuck out to me. The Amplified version says dwell in. So I did a bit of research just to gain a greater understanding of this verse.

The word inhabit means – live in or occupy.

The word dwell means – to live or stay as a permanent resident; reside

Now we are taught at a young age that when we are saved, God is living inside of us. As adults we realize this means His spirit lives within us continually. Since the Trinity (Father, Son & Holy Spirit) are three in one, this means that God in the spirit dwells inside of me.

As Christians, God dwells within us, but do you take the time to invite Him into EVERY aspect of your life? God is a gentleman and will never go where He is not invited or welcomed. He will never force himself on anyone.

You may not realize it but your time of prayer and devotion is a form of worship but it is not quite the level of actual praise and worship. This can be in the form of worship songs, like you would sing in church, or taking your favorite verse of the bible and putting it to song. Or simply just expressing to God just how much He means to you.

When we take the time, outside of normal prayer and devotion time, to truly worship God, you are taking the time to acknowledge and adore Him just for who He is. That is going above and beyond the day in day out norm. Now your consistent prayer and devotional time is extremely important. The Bible calls the word His bread. We definitely need spiritual food to keep going.

For example, the individuals that you live at home with, your spouse, kids, parents, siblings etc. Do you take the time, every now and again, to let them know how much they really mean to you? If you never did that person might begin to wonder if you really loved them. Now if you are living with a roommate for a temporary amount of time, then you would not take as much stock in that relationship because that is not quite the same level. But with God, He is a permanent resident in our lives, and we must take the time to acknowledge Him and all that He has done for us and let Him know how much we love Him.

Our Heavenly Father longs to hear from your heart. He wants more than our so-called grocery list of things we want from Him. Take the time today to simply just LOVE ON HIM.


 If you have read my blogs before then you know that I have shared a few pieces of poetry in the past.  I have decided to start writing agai...