Friday, January 10, 2025



A rose in the middle of a desert

Where did she come from?

How did she get here?

What keeps her going?

People look & say “she is out of place”

Why is she here?

Others see one lonely rose

But You…

You see life in the middle of death

You see a candle in the dark

You see the rose you formed

You look on her with the utmost love


She asks you, “why did you place me here?”

I feel alone

There is nothing here

Struggling with who I am

I don’t understand


Then she hears His soft voice

As gently as dew touches the rose

He shows her a “different” view

Through the eyes of her maker

She sees herself

What He sees is LOVE

Love that was needed in this dead dry place

Kindness that only she could bring

Tender heart that only she possessed

She was created by Him for this place

A place where there was no life

He simply planted His LOVE


One single rose was enough

Others may think she is not

Even she struggles with the thought

But He knows

In Him, she is enough


His love within her


Able to grow

Even when death surrounds her


She understands a bit more now

Not completely, not yet


Her questions & confusion subsided

Her faith stronger

Peace in her heart

A smile


The world sees…



Not important

Not that pretty

Will not last


That is just the first glance

But something catches their eye


She looks up at the sunrise

She greets her creator

He reaches down

Kisses her head with the dew of the morning

Causing her to beam


They see “her” now

The small insignificant thing before?

She is gone

Now they see a fully bloomed rose

Something of amazing beauty


The end of her story?

Not by a long shot

Just wait & see

There’s more, lots more!

Saturday, December 21, 2024


As we near the end of 2024, I look back and reflect.  

This year has been full of firsts, those things we thought we would never do and the inevitable "how in the world did I get here?" Of course, you also have the list of things that you planned to do but it never happened. The latter is probably the worst for me. As a woman, I have this list in my head of things I absolutely NEED to get done. Some how, I have come to the end of this year with several items on that list NOT done. That is definitely so frustrating to me. 

There are several things that I have gone to God and asked him to make a way or to provide me with the means to get this or that done. Nope, didn't happen! I have to be honest, there is a part of me that has mixed emotions, sad, disappointed & down right mad. 

ECCLESIASTES 3:1 AMP - To everything there is a season, and a time for every matter or purpose under heaven

God has reminded me several times lately that all things are in His time. Most definitely we can work it ourselves and force it to happen, but in those cases, it will not be successful. I must just keep praying & wait on Him. As disappointed as I am, His timing is perfect and the blessings will flow if we allow Him to take control. 

At the same time, I see others that are successful in the same area, which causes me to feel as if God has somehow overlooked me. Why can't that happen to me? The initial thought just racing through my brain. 

Somehow, things just don't ever work out like I planned. If I will pay close attention, what does all of the last few thoughts have in common? The words I and me. This causes me to look back at the times I have prayed for God's will to be done, then at the same time, I get impatient and frustrated when it does not happen. I mean really???

One day, maybe, I can get a better grasp on this. Learn to wait patiently on Him. As I am waiting, keep the promise in my heart that He sees me, He hears me and has not forgotten me. He will finish that which He has started in me. 

PHILIPPIANS 1:6 AMP - And I am convinced and sure of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will continue until the day of Jesus Christ (right up to the time of His return) and perfecting and bringing it to full completion in you. 

Thursday, November 7, 2024



ISAIAH 40:31 AMP – But those who wait for the LORD (who expect, look for, and hope in Him) will gain new strength and renew their power; They will lift up their wings (and rise up close to God) like eagles (rising toward the sun); They will run and not become weary, They will walk and not grow tired.

So, what does it mean to “wait for the Lord?”

If you are anything like me, patience is NOT one of your strengths & most certainly at the top of the weaknesses list. It is something that I most certainly have to work on daily.

If you break this verse down & read it from the Amplified version, it gives a bit more clarity on what God means by “waiting on the Lord.” See the phrase in parentheses directly after the word Lord? The Amplified version breaks down words & phrases to give us a better understanding. Here the word WAIT mean to EXPECT, LOOK FOR AND HOPE IN. The question I have asked myself & I hope you will ask yourself is, “When I am waiting on the Lord, am I expecting His answer, am I looking for His answer and am I hoping in His answer?

HEBREWS 11:1 AMP – Now faith is the assurance (title deed, confirmation) of things hoped for (divinely guaranteed), and the evidence of things not seen (the conviction of their realty-faith comprehends as fact what cannot be experienced by the physical senses).

Now, here is a scripture that is a mouthful. What I want to point out here is the phrase HOPED FOR. Right next to the phrase, the Amplified gives you a better definition of this word. In our own minds on a daily basis we say things like, “well I hope so” OR “I really hope it gets better soon.” In this verse the word HOPE does not mean what we loosely speak every day. It means that whatever we are hoping for is DIVINELY GUARANTEED. That is more than just an “I hope so.” That is a “most certainly, positively, absolutely will!”

The issue is that we have the wrong mindset when it comes to waiting on God. We no longer need to have this wringing of the hands, pacing the floor, anxiety about waiting on God.

First of all, we need to get in His word and find out what it says about our situation. Find a scripture that applies to you & your situation. If you struggle to find the right one, ISAIAH 40:31 is perfect for any situation. Then we need to pray & quote that scripture out loud. The more we read the word out loud to ourselves, it gets down in our spirit & causes our faith to increase.

We must learn to have an EXPECTATION when it comes to waiting on God. Expecting Him to answer us, looking for His answer to come any minute now & knowing that there is a definite guarantee that God will come through. No questions, no doubt, no confusion, because those are from the enemy. Satan’s main desire is to distract you from God’s plan for your life. Part of God’s plan is for you to be strong in your faith in Him.

Yes, I realize this is easier said than done. Trust me, I know this all too well. There have been situations that I have gone through that were so difficult that I could barely breath much less pray. But somehow, I found the strength & prayed. The more that I prayed & read His word, the stronger I felt each time. This process can take time but if we don’t give up & keep going, we will come out on the other side much stronger than when we went in.

I challenge you today, to pray & ask God to change your mindset. Change your way of thinking, change your outlook on your situation. Ask Him to help you see your circumstances through His eyes. To the point that when you are in that “waiting on the Lord” time in your life, you will no longer wait in the midst of anxiety & fear but you will wait in EXPECTATION of that God is about to do in your life

Remember, God has NOT forgotten you or your difficult situation. He already has a plan & had that plan before the problem ever came about. I GUARANTEE you, He will provide the answer & you will be blessed in the process.

Saturday, October 5, 2024



This feeling

Took a while to get here

To dig out from under the mental wreckage

Destruction caused by Fear, Anxiety and Depression

Trying to crush my mind and spirit

Surrounding me

Day of so much darkness

Days of doubt

Days of confusion


I remember that day

That day of utter blackness and evil

Spiritually, I lay there curled up as an infant

Afraid to move

Afraid of the pain

That was already too much


So many days that are just gone

No memory of those days

No memory of my actions

Just a blur of fear & pain


But that day

In the midst of the shadows that surrounded me

In the midst of the dark cloud that hung overhead

The feeling of severe cold

The cold of abandonment

The chasing thoughts and questions

Mind racing with doubts

That day

You helped me to stand and walk out


I walked out of that dark cave that day

You met me in the middle of my pain

You lifted me up with your strong right arm

You held me

You loved me

You restored my hope

You showed me the door

The door to my freedom


Trembling, I approached it

Still feeling the evil around me

Filling my mind with doubts

Trying to convince me that I couldn’t

That I was a failure

That I should be ashamed


But in the middle of the enemy’s shouting

I heard your whisper

A whisper that was unmistakable

Reminding me that I was surrounded

Not by the enemy

But I was surrounded by you

I was surrounded by your love

Surrounded by your truth

Truth that says, you will never abandon me

That you are greater than the fear

Greater than the anxiety

Even greater than the depression

Reminding me who my enemy really was

Reminding me that he is a liar

Reminding me that you cover me with songs of deliverance


After being bound up for so long

Unable to stand on my own

Unable to walk out on my own

I felt your hand holding me

With trembling knees, I stood

Feeling the fresh wind of your spirit

I could breathe again

I took a shaky step forward

Then I realize, that was all I needed to do

Just one step forward


You didn’t require me to run

Didn’t ask for a list of requirements

All you needed from me was just one step

One step out of the shadows

One step out of the lies

One step toward your truth


In that one step, something changed

The fear that had controlled my mind

The anxiety that overwhelmed me

The depression that was paralyzing

The shivering cold of evil

It was gone

Replaced with your peace

A peace that passes all understanding


It was in that moment

As I took that trembling step

Through a door that had been so far out of reach

I could no longer hear the lies and the taunting

Only one voice that I heard at that moment


I heard you whisper so lovingly

As only a father will do







My Father’s Hands,

They have held me, every step of the way

As a child, they taught me

At times they disciplined me

But they’ve ALWAYS loved me


My Father’s Hands,

They have wiped away my tears

They have cradled me when my heart was broken

Hands that have showed me a better way

Hands that calmed my fears


My Father’s Hands,

There is a difference in these hands

So much stronger

More loving & caring

So much more than my earthly father


My Father’s Hands,

I feel them around me

I feel them holding me

Times when I am unsure

Times when life is so hard


My Father’s Hands,

You remind me that on the days when I can’t feel you with me

You have never left me or forsaken me

You have reminded me that no one can love me more

No one else has hands like yours


My Father’s Hands,

They held on to me when the darkness surrounded me

Never let go even through my screams

Never stopped loving me even when I doubted

Even when I questioned you


My Father’s Hands,

Now I can walk in hope & confidence

I can hold my head high

Regardless of the evil around me

Even in the midst of the lies from my enemy

Lies telling me that I will never be enough

Just like a child who can no longer hold in the secret, I giggle

A secret that I will shout for all to hear

By My Father’s Hands the enemy is defeated

By My Father’s Hands I am more than a conqueror







Saturday, August 24, 2024



I long for you to come to me as a child

I long for the innocence & honesty in you

The list & agenda is not as important

We are in a relationship and I wish to communicate with you

Come to me as your ABBA FATHER

A child has the mindset that there is nothing that their father cannot do


GALATIANS 4:6 – And because you are sons, God has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into your hearts, crying out, “Abba Father!”

ROMANS 8:15 – For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, “Abba Father.”

Thursday, July 18, 2024




A deadly silence

A spiritual cancer

Slowly growing

Choking out life

Taking your breath

Stealing peace



Nothing but lies

Slowly feeding me lies

I start to believe them

I forget the truth


A thief

Stealing my joy

My sound mind

My heart

My soul


I am consumed

I can’t get passed it

Can’t get over it

Can’t forget

I am lost in it

The truth that I once held dear

Where did it go

Why has it left me

I feel alone


Feeling out of control now

Can’t fight it any longer

Can’t pretend that I am ok

Can’t fake it anymore


I cry out in desperation

I cry to you

Why did I wait so long

Until I am overwhelmed


You hear my cries

You see my tears

You are already there

You were the entire time

Just waiting

Waiting for me to call


You remind me of your truth

You remind me that you are so much more

That I am so much more in you


You remind me of something else

Something that I already knew

But for a moment, forgot

All that I needed to get out from under the weight

To walk away

To live free

Everything was found in you


A gift that you gave me from the beginning

All I had to do was receive it

A gift that it caused me to forget about

A gift so great and powerful


Your love

Your unconditional, limitless love

Casts out ALL fear


I now lay it all down

I submit to your river of grace

Washing over me

Washing all of the fear away


I know now

Through all of this

I had to experience it

I needed to sense it

To smell it

To hear it


Cause it will be back

Oh yes, it will

It is part of this crazy life


But now…

Now there is a difference

I have seen it

I have heard its lies

I know what it is


This time…

I am prepared

I have the armor

I have the truth


I will…

No longer believe the lies

No longer allow it to consume me


Because of HIM…

I am an overcomer

I am more than a conqueror


I know…

Who I am

And whose I am

Who holds me

And who surrounds me



  A rose in the middle of a desert Where did she come from? How did she get here? What keeps her going? People look & say “she i...